How does TKM Help?"TKM® (The King Method®) is a totally non-invasive method administered with absolutely no repercussions noted. Many Americans are now embracing the understanding of the bio-electrical (bio-electromagnetic) systems in the body. These systems have been known and utilized in Main Stream or Conventional Medicine in some aspect for a several decades. Through recent research, a much greater understanding of this bio-electromagnetic system in the body and the importance of it's proper functioning for human health in a variety of ways. There is virtually no biological system in the human body that has not shown to be dependent upon the integrity of the energy systems to maintain proper functioning. The beginning of truly understanding this electrical energy scientifically, began with a physicist named Nikola Tesla. Since Tesla, there have been many great physicists including "Einstein" which have advanced our knowledge of the body's electrical energy system. Although, the medical community is just beginning to see the importance of the bio-electrical system, which many say supports every other system known in the human body. Cyril W. Smith (England) along with other well known physicists are dedicated to understanding more about this fascinating and important system within the human body. Let us present a few relations that are dependent upon the integrity of the bio-electrical energy in relation to TKM®.